What tools are needed for hanging wallpaper?

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Hanging wallpaper is not a difficult task, but yes, it does require organisation, a few simple tools and some extra time set aside.

Let’s take a look!

A measuring tape is essential for correctly measuring the wall/s and for calculating how much wallpaper you will need, and also for measuring the height of the panels. Remember that the rolls are usually 10 meters long and a standard wall is normally between 270-300 cm high. Therefore, you have to cut the wallpaper panels according to the surface you need to cover.

A brush or roller, whichever you prefer. Some people prefer the roller because you can make sure the surface is glued over more evenly, and there are those who find it more cumbersome to hold and dip a normal brush into a bucket of glue. The important thing is that both must have a width of 10-15 cm, for time efficiency more than anything else.

Glue to apply to the wallpaper, it can be powdered or ready-made. The type of glue varies depending on the quality of the paper: non-woven; vinyl or contract. It can therefore either be cellulose glue or glue for heavy wallpapers and it’s essential that you use the correct one in each case.

A spatula to remove the air bubbles. You could use a Tupperware lid or another homemade invention, the important thing is that you can gently sweep away any bubbles on the surface.

A damp cloth to be able to wipe clean the wallpaper, although cellulose glue does not dirty or damage the paper (except for delicate natural raffia papers).

A Stanley knife to cut off the excess wallpaper. The length should always be calculated slightly longer than the height of the ceiling. The wallpaper should never be cut to the exact height of the wall, you should add at least 5 cm more as walls are often uneven.

Roller for the joins. It is not essential but is recommended in order to increase the adhesion of the joins between panels.

Kraft paper to protect the floor. Another non-essential item, but if it’s your first time hanging wallpaper, it’s easy for the glue to drip onto the floor. This material will save you cleaning time at the end of the hanging process. Also, the paper often includes a roll of decorator’s tape, so it is very easy and fast to put in place.



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